Ukraine: The Winner Is..Abanda Shake
…but just with a little help from their friends. When I heard the future pop stars from Kyiv, Ukraine for the first time, I thought, „Oh my God, they are so happy. The love life.“ Then I realized my mean instincts and came to the conclusion the band sounded like a neverending backstage party deep in the ice of a nice continent we all have never heard but dreamed of, where those thrilling people live and celebrate their parties we always wanted to meet.Abanda Shake now announced their song „Cat“ to be in another band contest running on They won the second place in a competition on myspace a few months ago. Again it´s about chances, fame, money, all that stuff every band needs, especially the ones who deserve it.
I´m not in that jury, not this time, I´m just a musician and journalist. But everybody should check out their website and watch that video of „Cat“.
Well, it´s definitely worth doing that usual log-in stuff on „Fame Cast“ and vote for the band. There are so many pop acts on this planet, but I truly must admit – noone sounds like them. Maybe it´s the voice, maybe it´s that alien vibe, I don´t know..