SOS von Captain Paul Watson

Am Freitag, den 15.Juli 2011 wurde das Flaggschiff Steve Irvin der Sea Shepherd Conservation Society durch Anordnung eines britischen Gerichtes auf den schottischen Shetland-Inseln konfisziert. (Flagge unter free licence, Wikipedia)

Die „Piraten der Ozeane“ kämpfen um den Erhalt von Tierarten wie Wale, Delphine und verschiedene andere Fischarten, die vom Aussterben bedroht sind.

Dem Schiff droht der Verkauf aufgrund einer Zivilklage einer maltesischen Fischfang-Reederei zur Regulierung von Schadensersatzansprüchen für den verlorengegangenen Erlös ihres Fanges und zerschnittener Netze. Speziell geht es um den Roten Thunfisch, der im vergangenen Jahr von Sea Shepherd verteidigt und aus den grossen Fischernetzen befreit wurde, um diese Spezies dem Planeten gegen die Ausrottung zu erhalten.

Captain Paul Watson ruft hiermit die Weltbevölkerung auf, durch Spenden das Schiff von den Behörden Grossbritaniens freizukaufen:

Emergency SOS from Captain Paul Watson: Save Our Ship!

I am writing to you from the ship, in Lerwick, Scotland: I need your help to free our flagship vessel, the Steve Irwin.

On the afternoon of Friday, July 15, the Steve Irwin was detained in the Scottish Shetland Islands by the British courts due to a civil lawsuit brought against us by Maltese fishing company, Fish and Fish Limited. They are claiming damages for the bluefin tuna we rescued from their nets in June 2010, fish that we believe were illegally caught after the season has closed, without an inspector onboard, or any paperwork documenting the legality of their catch.

We have a legal firm representing us, and believe we have the necessary evidence to support our case. This lawsuit will also give us the opportunity to expose what we allege to be illegal activities by Fish and Fish and we will be aggressively defending the case on this basis. The protection of the endangered bluefin is vitally important to our oceans, and to humanity, because if the oceans die…we die.

Now, unless we post a bond for USD$1,411,692.87, the Steve Irwin will be held indefinitely and possibly sold. This would not only be a financial hardship for Sea Shepherd, but more importantly, it could prevent us from reaching the Faeroe Islands to protect pilot whales and threaten our ability to defend whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary from the Japanese whaling fleet this Decemeber.

I urge you to help Save Our Ship today! We must urgently raise USD$1,411,692.87 to post bond. Gifts are coming in, but we have a long way to go. I urge you to send the largest gift you can today – your gift is incredibly important and will make a difference by helping us save the lives of endangered whales.

You‘ve already helped save thousands of whales and untold numbers of other marine creatures, but unless we get our ship back soon, whales will die tragic deaths because of our inability to move this ship and protect them.

Please make a donation to save the Steve Irwin so we can return to sea and do what we do best – defend life in our oceans.

Never has the need for your help and support been any greater.

Thank you,

For our Oceans and for the Steve Irwin,

Captain Paul Watson

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