THE PLAN II – The Kurdistan Plot and The Mother Of War

In Chapter I we have learned, that the Kurdish intelligence – who had prior knowledge of the terror attack in Ervil (Irbil) on May 09 – told newspapers about an ongoing power struggle in the Kurdish Party PUK of Iraqi Prime Minister Jalal Talabani between 2 factions. We know that the group „Islamic State of Iraq“ – which claimed responsibility for the capturing of U.S. soldiers and also for the two explosions in or near Kurdistan on May 09 and May 12 – has a supposed salafis leader called Khalid al-Mashhadani and that HQs of that terror group had apparently leaked to the Iraqi Government of Jalal Talabani.

We also heard from a strange meeting of Turkish investors, Pentagon business managers and the Kurdish Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani at a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a five-star luxury Kempinski hotel complex in Erbil (Irbil) three days after a bloody terrorist attack (which obviously didn´t occur as it was reported in the media). (32)

Now – let´s get back to the PUK.


Nawshirwan (Noshirwan) Mustafa is the only thinkable successor of Jalal Talabani as chief of the PUK, and he is still alive.
This can change any moment.

Mustafa was the co-founder and until December 2006 the deputy secretary general and political bureau member for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
He also is an intellectual. He broke the iron law of politics and stepped down from power positions for moral and political reasons.

He is currently planning to create an independent Kurdish media centre in the city of Suleimani (Sulaymaniya) in Southern Kurdistan.
That´s where the security officials of his PUK faction are being removed by Talabani. Can this faction lead to fraction? Shall this be averted? Or is there something different on the agenda?

Just remember: Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani, the PUK and KDP leaders, were cooperating closely with the U.S. government and the U.S. Military during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.. (32)

Prime Minister Nechirvan „the Nephew“ Barzani has been a few days in Tehran last week. He expressed there the hope of increasing the level of security cooperation between Iran and Kurdistan, and called on Iran to invest more in Kurdistan‘s energy, industry, and agriculture sectors.
„Our relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran are long-standing and we have always been assisted by the Islamic Republic whenever we have been in need of help, especially during the hard days,“ Nechirvan Barzani said.

And guess what the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, answered:
He said that Iran „feels no limit in extending assistance to the Iraqi people and the Kurdish population in particular.“
And Barzani continued:
„The issue of security is a mutual and bilateral issue and not unilateral,“ he told reporters in Tehran. „The thing is that we consider Iran‘s security as our security. And I think, and am sure, that the Islamic Republic of Iran regards our security as its security as well.“ (13)

Isn´t that interesting? Especially regarding the comments, made by the Kurdish intelligence close to the PUK faction of Noshirwan Mustafa, of „other attempts along“ the Kurdish-Iranian border and „the movements of some terrorist organizations“ there.  (32)

According to wikipedia, in 2005-2006 Noshirwan Mustafa started a process of reform in the electoral system of PUK aiming to increase democracy within the party, end nepotism and to both allow and encourage the younger generation of Kurds to become actively involved in Kurdish politics.
However due to differences and strong resistance from other factions of the PUK, especially that of Jalal Talabani, the process of reform failed.

Consequently Mustafa resigned from his post and is working along new paths to implement reform within Kurdistan and Kurdish politics, and end the current reign of corruption and nepotism.
After the recent scare over Jalal Talabanis health, Nawshirwan Mustafa has been recognized as the only feasible successor for the position of secretary general of the PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan). (12)


One of the most important issues about the U.S. led invasion of Iraq is the proven – but widely unknown – fact, that at that time the Foreign Minister of Saddam´s Iraq, Naji Sabri, was a CIA informant. (14)

For a short time before the 2003 invasion, the CIA maintained French-sponsored, third-party contact with Sabri. In exchange for $100,000, Sabri offered the agency important details on some of Saddam‘s alleged weapons programs and assurances on the discontinuance of others.
Sabri told the CIA that Saddam had stockpiled certain chemical weapons, specifically „poison gas.“ In the lead-up to the invasion, the CIA pressured Sabri to defect to the United States, but Sabri declined. Communication between Sabri and the agency ceased thereafter.

Somehow he made it out of Iraq and found a safe passage to Syria and then Cairo.
Nobody actually knows where he is now.
In any case, the US military did not include Sabri in the „deck of cards“ featuring the most-wanted Iraqi suspects.

And there is something else.
Something very, very disturbing.


December 7, 2005
Rep. John Murtha, a respected veteran of the Vietnam War, holds a news conference to respond to a speech of President Bush. (15)
John Murtha starts with a timeline of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. He talks about the credibility of the U.S. executive branch. He talks about the lack of ground equipment for U.S. troops.
He is questioned by reporters.
And then he is getting angry…

„But the point is that the public doesn‘t believe them (the Bush Government). And if the public doesn‘t believe them and the allies don‘t believe them, how are we going to have an international coalition to be able to have a significant influence on what goes on inside Iraq?“

John Murtha goes on, even more angry:

„So I‘d fire somebody. I‘d fire two or three people. I‘d fire a number of people who are involved in this thing. And then I would go forward with the international community, trying to get support from them in a diplomatic efforts, as our troops move out of there.“

Then he says something, nobody ever will talk about. It´s not mentioned anywhere in the World Media, and he never repeated it again…

„Now, why don‘t I believe them when they say anything? They said we got weapons of mass destruction. They said we got an Al Qaida connection. They said we got nuclear weapons. They said we cross this red line which surrounds Baghdad and we´re going to have a war with them!“ 


In fact, there were reports in Germany about this.
April 03, 2003:
The German „Tagesschau“ cites in its timeline, „U.S. and British troops approach the `red line` around Baghdad in overalls. According to U.S. intelligence informations U.S. troops has to calculate with the exertion of poison gas by the Iraqi Army in case of crossing the `red line`.“ (16)
In German TV News late that day, on „Tagesthemen“, a graphic appears – it shows Baghdad placed in some sort of red circle, the „Red Zone“ as it says.
Never before, and never after that very point of time this word or this graphic appear again in German news or TV reports.
An „attack with chemical weapons“ on U.S. troops by Iraqi forces cannot be excluded, it says.(17)

April 04, 2003:
American forces, who easily overwhelmed the Republican Guards before Baghdad, take the Baghdad Airport and then stop.
Iraq‘s information minister is talking about „non-conventional attacks“ on American soldiers on Iraqi TV and demands a „kind of martyrdom operations“.(18)
A man who looks like Saddam Hussein – who possessed a serious amount of doubles (19) – appears on the streets of Baghdad while smoke is already rising on the horizon.
At this point of time the CIA informant and Iraqi Foreign Minister Sabri has already publicly arrived in safe Damascus. (14)

On late „Tagesthemen“ TV news in Germany Tom Buhrow, the foreign correspondent in Washington says, the U.S. Forces would calculate „roughly“ with an attack by chemical weapons of mass destruction and suicide bombings. (20)

The U.S. troops stay where they are, for 3 days, right before Baghdad. A lot of news reports tell from chemical weapons which have been found near of the Iraqi capital.
Then the U.S. Army marches into Baghdad.
The Iraqi security forces dissappear from one moment to the other, all hell´s breaking loose. Chaos reigns in the streets.
The „fictitious“ war is over.
The real one has begun.

January 31, 2003:
The Washington Times reports that a classified document signed by President Bush specifically allows for the use of nuclear weapons in response to biological or chemical attacks, apparently changing a decades-old U.S. policy of deliberate ambiguity.

„The United States will continue to make clear that it reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force `including potentially nuclear weapons` to the use of (weapons of mass destruction) against the United States, our forces abroad, and friends and allies,“ the document, National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) 17, set out on Sept. 14 2002, the Washington Times reports.

A similar statement is included in the public version of the directive, which was released Dec. 11 2002 as the National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction and closely parallels the classified document. However, instead of the phrase „including potentially nuclear weapons,“ the public text says, „including through resort to all of our options.“

William M. Arkin, a military analyst, wrote in the Los Angeles Times earlier that week that the Bush administration‘s war planning „moves nuclear weapons out of their long-established special category and lumps them in with all the other military options.“  Mr. Arkin quoted „multiple sources“ close to the preparations for a war in Iraq as saying that the focus is on

„two possible roles for nuclear weapons: attacking Iraqi facilities located so deep underground that they might be impervious to conventional explosives; and thwarting Iraq‘s use of weapons of mass destruction.“ (21,22)

Now exchange a simple letter – and you got it…

It´s the same war. It´s still the same government. It´s still the same military.
But something has changed – the commander.

In Chapter III

THE PLAN III – Petraeus and the three-dimensional chess in the dark
