Going Wolfowitz

Washington, this is dangerous. It is always like that if something ugly comes to surface.
He is just staying. He – is – just – staying.

„Nooo,“ he goes, „nooooahhaa, I´m Wolfowitz. You cannot throooaa MEEEEE ouuuut…“

Hey guys – just continue. That is the very best way to end corruption, hypocrisy, exploitation, monopolism, starvation and the cancer of human kind once and for all:
the Beast Capitalism who murders Humans in numbers of tens of thousands every day.If the Evil has a face, you can beat it easily. If it hides, wrench it to light. If it wants to discuss that, smash it.

The World Bank is part of that sort of World Government noone ever elected.
The World Bank is part of an unscrupulous system that uses human life as a source for endless profits.
The World Bank is asking to be disestablished, and the People of the Worldrepublic will answer that call.

Wolfowitz has sponsored war and torture. That guy actually never said a single true word in his life and if you want to go down with him, plutocrats, go on.
I like that.
It was about time for that.

The whole system is questioned. The whole system is in danger. There are people in the dark, millions and millions, who never got a chance, who never had the opportunity for anything, who had lost before playing any game because they were doomed from the beginning, born at the wrong place at the wrong time or their parents were poor or worthless to any kind of profit machinery.

Look, this is serious. You are in real danger, guys. And do not come up with terrorism. That won´t help you.
You are liars. You are betrayers. You are corrupt. And the time for you to fall has come.
That is the truth. That is what I have waited for. That is what I have worked for all my life.

Just go on.
Hey, just do me that favour, Paul.

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