Panic, Hope, and Tremble – The Stock Market Is A Roller Coaster
These are words the medias in Germany use to describe the state of the stock markets all around the world. You have to let this melt on you tongue. Because this are not words or meanings to describe a solid economy with or even dare to build one based upon. But these are ruled by gamblers and illusion driven creatures telling politics and economies how to rule the world.
And when things become critical they start to scream and cry, trying to lock themselves away ‘til all evil passes by. Or they start to call for the federal banks because the banks themselves have lost their funds in gambling and now came to risk of becoming insolvent. The question remains who enrolled them, the gamblers, to do so. There is no control really.
And once the ‚laws’ of the so called free market do not work anymore, they close the market down for a while – it’s so simple.
But in fact only it shows very clear that gambling in itself does not follow any rule at all, otherwise it would be calculable and controllable. Try to remember who actually owned the Statebank of Saxony or who owns the Statebank of North-Rhine Westfalia and you may get an idea who gambles with whose money. Embezzlement seems to be a rather harmless explanation for this.
But, and that should not be ignored, what is happening now are symptoms of an illness which derives from far deeper means – the so called global economy. Nobody wants to admit, that it does not work based on stock market policy. No, they rather try to cure the symptoms and if it becomes to tough the patient locks himself away and does not want to cope with the rest of the world for a while.
The domination of the capital that sees its means only in interbred itself is a misleading path and would be easier to satisfy by printing the money. Actually that is what is happening but on its way to itself some pseudo business is done in order to tease the chummy opponent to finally slap himself on his back and make the world believe that he‘s a doer.
And because the golden teeth in his yap are polished the competence of these gamblers is accepted in politics and local economy rather high. A competence that is described as “Panic, Hope, and Tremble”.