Petition: Free all the political prisoners from Atenco!
We ask for you to sign on and spread this letter which will be sent to Mexico as a result of the unjust sentences given to the political prisoners from Atenco.
Send your name, occupation (optional), city or country to:
International Open Letter
As a result of the scandalous sentences announced on August 21 against the activists, victims of the violent days of May 3 – 4, 2006, in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico.
Just women and men from Mexico and the world repudiate the jailing of innocents and demand the government:
– Immediately drop the 67-year sentences against activists Ignacio del Valle, Felipe Álvarez and Héctor Galindo, unjustly sentenced in 2007.
– Immediately drop the 45-year sentence against Ignacio del Valle, unjustly sentenced on August 21, 2008.
– Immediately drop the 31-year, 10-month and 15-day sentences of activists Juan Carlos Estrada Romero, Óscar Hernández Pacheco, Narciso Arellano Hernández, Alejandro Pilón Zacate, Jorge Alberto y Román Adán Ordóñez Romero, Pedro Reyes Flores, Inés Rodolfo Cuéllar Rivera, Édgar Eduardo Morales Reyes and Julio César Espinoza Ramos, unjustly sentenced on August 21, 2008.
– Immediately free all the political prisoners from Atenco.
– Bring to justice the murderers of Alexis Benhumea and Francisco Javier Cortés.
Because we will not surrender!We will not be silenced!
We will not forget!
Down with impunity in Mexico!
Colectivo contraimpunidad, DDHH, Natalia Castelgrande, Andrea Caraballo, Ana de Leon, Humberto Robles
More information on Atenco:
Source: contraimpunidad
Original article published on 28 August, 2008.
About the author
Scott Campbell is a member of Tlaxcala, the network of translators for linguistic diversity. This translation may be reprinted as long as the content remains unaltered, and the source, author, translator and reviser are cited.
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