Atlantis the true story. (News/Fiction)
Atlantis, the never-ending legacy trapped in a time lope.
Let me tell you the real story of Atlantis as it did not happen and yet will still happen.As many of us know of the story of Atlantis and the destruction of a great Civilisation That destroyed it self due to a great war and miss use of a great energy source, as the Greek Philosopher Plato did once write about some two and half millennia’s ago.
Many would dismiss this story has a fantasy that never happen, and they are correct it has not yet happen, however it is about to happen and there for did already happen and will happen again.
Confused? Then Read on and you may see what did and will really happening.
It actually all started in the Future and the Past as well, at least from our perspective in 2008 that is.
It was the age of great knowledge and breakthroughs in Science and Philosophy, yet it was also an age of darkness and destruction due to Wars and pollution.
The Earth and Humanity where in great trouble, and on the edge of a Man made apocalypse.
Fear had become the Master of Man Kind and blinded it to the point that it could no longer see clearly nor act with reason or Logic.
By 2010 the first Cybor Soldier where in action for the NATO and Russia as well as China, War just took on another dimension never known before, at least to us in 2008.
Microchip brain implants and Nano probes became standardised and mandatory for all Citizens in the name of anti terror laws and Terror prevention, Basic thoughts could now be read and transmitted to a central data bank for random control and analysis. Nothing was of a private mater any longer and one could almost see a parallel with the era of the great inquisition of the Middle age. However, this sort of thinking was prohibited and punishable.
In the mean time. The Earth Ozone layer was still depleting. Letting more cosmic radiation through and the Oxygen was becoming scarce due to losses into space and because the Pollution was killing the great Oceans, stopping there Oxygen production, the Rain forest was dying as well and the once great Bio diversity of the Earth quickly degrade into a couple of species barely surviving.
We did finally master nuclear fusion though as well as the concept of time travel even though never tried due to an enormous requirement of energy, still the concept was in place and could work.
Then by 2012, things became so bleak and near catastrophic that some still free Scientist believed to have to act and save Man kind and the Earth from a total destruction.
This is where the story of Atlantis started. It was also the dawn of the use of the first nuclear fusion bomb.
The few still free thinking Human knew that once this Bomb would be used or once the nuclear fission reactors would go out of control, it would mean the end of all life and no chance of saving any thing what so ever.
The only chance left was the time machine build and ready yet never tried due to the massive need of energy this one would require. There was no time left neither for test nor save guards. They chose the last free thinking Human and gave him all the access codes and secret codes of all government for the past century, hopping that person would be broth back in time by no more then one century and no less then one decade in order to warn humanity and avoid the disaster.
On the day of the first fusion Bomb being lunched the time machine was activated with one single Human being inside and all energy was diverted from Cities and Factories for the Time Machine to work.
The time machine did not work as indented though. It did not go back a decade or a century. No, it went back in time all right, but it went back some three millennia’s in stead.
Right into the time of ancient Greece and Plato, who wrote this story of Atlantis.
The Time machine did not even land in central Europe as it was supposed to. It ended up landing on the West African Coast and was nearly totally destroyed upon arrival. The fireball it caused confused the natives that miss took it for a great omen, what worked out to the advantage of our time traveller.
Our time traveller once over the chock realised after some time that he was not where he was supposed to be nor in the time he was supposed to be. After years of learning local tong and customs, he set out to reach a civilisation of wish he heard from the travelling nomads that had great scribes and a strange system of governance yet mighty armies and grand temples.
Eventually reaching Ancient Greece and learning their tong he set out to warn every one of what was to happen in the far future if we where not to change.
No one though listen and all took him for a full.
All, but one Man, namely Plato that did listen to the story and wrote it down for the after world to be warned and yet all believed Plato to have lost his mind so he changed the story slightly, no longer taking place in the Future but in the Past so people would listen to it and so they did.
Even some three Millennia’s latter Archaeologist looked for the lost Civilisation of Atlantis not realising that this civilisation was not to be fund in the past but rather in the future.