Students reach out for international cooperation

On this weekend the „International Plenum for Better Education“ invites to Munich, Germany.

The call:

„The International Plenum for Better Education in Munich unites the international protest movement and ignites a trans-European movement. Together we seized universities all over Europe, demanding better education, starting a movement and bringing education back into the focus of society. Now is the time to speak with one voice and send out the signal for a new united movement all across Europe. From every university – occupied or not – we invite you to carry your voice to Munich: Starting Friday Evening (27th of November) until Sunday Afternoon (29th) we will use the occupied rooms in the University of Munich to form an international plenum and write down Europe-wide demands for better education. The Workshop International asks you to send about three people of your plenum to Munich. Because of the great number of occupied universities and hence the great demand we can only provide accommodation for these three delegates. Nevertheless everyone willing to fight for better education is invited to come to Munich. Contact: +49 89 21802071, mobile: +49 1627494801, mail: international (at)“

Today, after decades of socially passiveness, students and scholars in Austria, Germany, and many countries in Europe, finally get involved again. After eight years of worldwide war „on terror“, that implied a most silent and sneaky war against all constitutions, all fundamental human and civil rights and all liberties at home, after 8 years being in a state of fear that caused a creeping erosion of once hard fought achievements, like free spreech and democracy, after gigantic financial raids by a ruthless monetary system, controlled by banks and central banks who have the monopoly of money creation, educated people finally do their job: start thinking, start organisizing, start helping to educate society and democracies. Who else shall do the job?

In times of beginning there is only one time to begin with it. So take your chances, open the window of opportunity and move on in a new century that belongs to all people, not just to a knowing few.