Editorial: John Mayer, White Supremacy and Euro-Settler Insecurities

Revised: 2.12.10 | Editor’s Note: This commentary is in response to a reader who took offence to this newswire’s reportage of the John Mayer “Racist Genitals” controversy. This writer is not accusing the reader of being a racial bigot and this article should not be assumed as such.  I trust that the respondent is quite sincere in addressing racial bias, but I am merely pointing out that his rush to defend White society as a separate entity from Mayer’s remarks is a very important dynamic of the American “race problem” and one that White Americans need to acknowledge if they are at all serious about “solving” the US’s dirty closet of discrimination.

There are numerous „Stupid Black Man of the Week,“ day, month and year material abound in international media and much worse in the alternative press if you make an effort to look around. My title choice is positively polite given the nature of the subject matter and the fact that in 2010 this is still an issue of major importance in the United States. The title’s intention is purely descriptive and pointedly literal: Mr. Mayer is a “White Man” under the socio-political definitions created and imposed upon non-Whites by the dominant Euro-settler cultural paradigm of the United States. Further, Mr. Mayer is a certifiable self-admitted White racist which by fiat makes him a dolt. Not so much for uttering such bigoted rubbish to Playboy, but for thinking like a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the first place and finding comfort and humour in acknowledging his own anti-Africanism.

„Someone asked me the other day, ‚What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?‘ And by the way, it‘s sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass.“

„What is being black?…It‘s making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that‘s seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you‘ll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude‘s.

Playboy Magazine interview

Given these particulars, I find your dismay over the post’s title a non-sequitur when I balance your criticism against the comments made by Mr. Meyer. The title is meant to illustrate that racism, not racial bias, in the US is really a “White” problem. Meaning, White society would do well to cop-on to themselves and their collective racialist responsibility and cease placing “equal-blame” on their victims for pointing out this irritatingly conspicuous paradox. Both the overtly race-conscious White media fascists and the unconsciously selective pro-White apathy of what is left of the liberal “left” are responsible for America’s genocidal racial climate.

If this were not the case, social ethnic bias would have ended generations ago or more logically, it would never have arisen in the first place. But for a Euro-settler state based upon Indigenous and African genocide, to admit to this sad state of affairs is immediately self-convicting and therefore unacceptable to the colonialist mind. Hence, pro-Europocentric historical and nationalistic mythologies attend to this need. This coloniser’s version of world history lends itself to the wilful and widespread misconception that aggressive anti-African racism in the US was only a brief aberration of the far-flung past and was never a fundamental part of the White American colonialist narrative. This falsehood carries on despite the salient fact that the United States of America’s Founding Fathers were to a man, slave owners and Indian killers in their own right who clearly espoused clearly White supremacist views.The doctrine of American Exceptionalism maintains that the issue of race in the United States is an equal opportunity affair in which all “Americans” reside within an equalitarian arena of power and resource distribution.

The fact that this irrational view is the result of the society’s own propaganda about itself is beside the point. This intentional falsehood is what makes for the “Big Lie” that Anti-African and anti-Indigenous racism has never posed a serious problem in the US and that Europeans have at no point in time acted unfairly towards non-White populations. When White folks act, say or do something inexcusable, the “rules” dictate that their behaviour is only reflective of that particular individual and not indicative of the general attitudes of the extant society. However, when White people take group offence to the actions or stated opinions of individual Africans or Indigenous Americans, the rules mysteriously reverse themselves. Instead of limiting scorn towards the original target, their entire respective non-White ethnic population is demonised as being hateful, blackhearted and insolent towards their White “betters.” Any argument that this is not an accurate analysis of US social reality flies in the face of more than 500 years of recorded Euro-settler history in the Americas.Because of this eugenic paradigm, individual non-Whites pay a social penalty for being guilty of an ethnic identification that becomes synonymous with being an “enemy” of the White race.

Why are we still pretending as if this is not the way things really are in the United States? Why are we silent about the fact that many White folks, far too many White folks, consider themselves doing work for God and “keeping things the way they naturally ought to be,” by doing what they can to deny Africans and other ethnic minorities their basic human rights? Police brutality and judicial misconduct is only one part of the story. My title casts the Euro-settler bias of the selective racism enjoinder aside in favour of something more tangible to the minds and sensibilities of my readers, mostly non-White people who read INN precisely because we address the racism they deal with on a daily basis as the genocidal practise it really is. If the reader has not figured out by now that even under a Black president White racism is in full-swing, it must be admitted that pro-White propaganda from the King James version of the Palestinian religion (New Testament) to Beyonce Knowles’ newest blond highlights has had a deep and devastating effect on the world’s collective psyche.How else could such a system of institutional oppression be regarded as a bastion of human rights and national civility but through the use of effective colonialist propaganda? Have you not read Franz Fanon, Jean-Paul Sartre or the works of Edward Bernays? Are we to believe that the German people had absolutely no idea that social and ethnic minorities were being preyed upon in their nation during the 1930’s? Are we to forget the Puerto Rican Tainos, the Chamorros, Hawaii and Chiapas? Are we to believe that White folks in the US are simply unaware of the systemic racism operative within their own society under the watchful eye of the Obama administration? Did we not watch Republican Scott Brown insinuate that President Barack Obama’s White mother must have been an un-wed parent simply because his father was from Africa? Or worse, the fact that Rod Blagojevich can say that he is “Blacker” than Obama and get away with it and having to deal with what that says about not just the White people that own and control the media but the non-Whites that eat this asinine vomitus for breakfast and keep the faith, ever struggling for the “American Dream.”

It is also no surprise to this writer that the comments in question coming from Mr. Mayer were centred around sexual matters pertaining to African women. The slaver’s prerogative to sexualise the African woman as a means of defilement and racial stratification is a matter of historical record and Mr. Mayer’s remarks in this regard fall squarely into this category. This was not a mistake on his part or vicious journalism on the part of Playboy Magazine. His comments were the conscious un-censored belchings of a typical White man in America who feels besieged by liberated White women and ethnic minorities sick and tired of White guys running the entire planet into the ground without regard for anyone else other than their own sense of central position.

Please dear reader, do not insult my intelligence. There is a strong reason why White society smugly singles out the American KKK as “racist” while giving a pass to pop-culture icons such as John Mayer, Paris Hilton or Scott Brown. The Klan is unapologetically bigoted, vulgar and highly visible in their racism, a national embarrassment that cannot be easily explained away, while Mayer, Hilton and Brown are simply over-compensated White court jesters who can and will be forgiven, if not applauded, for only saying what White people really think anyway. And after they lodge a call to Rev. Al Sharpton and the local NAACP all will be forgiven and the good little darkies will queue up to give them even more of their hard-earned dosh just as they always have. This can and is easily explained away by slave and master alike as “America” and by the power of the Europeanised Jehovah, the American flag and the White man’s right to bear arms against the innocent, this creed shall stand as the national mythology of the American narrative. If you think this is not so, ask the Indigenous people along the Ak-Pak corridor or better yet, on the Pine Ridge reservation closer to home who are freezing in the cold as I write this. These are the Original People of this landmass living smack dab in the centre of the United States in third world conditions in the 21st century. So much for the American myth of ethnic parity and the White man‘s respect for the American Indian. Deeds speak louder than words.

I hope you intend to become a regular reader, but understand one thing, this news-blog adheres to a diet devoid of White supremacist Kool-Aid, institutionalised self-pity or nonsensical beliefs in a pale-skinned sky-God represented on Earth by the White man of Europe. If pointing out that Mr. Mayer’s biases are not just his own personal opinions but also an expression of the mainstream White American sentiment makes you feel uneasy, ask yourself why. Instead of challenging this Indigenist newswire over poetic semantics while the epithet “Nigger” is paraded throughout international entertainment media, challenge the White supremacist power structure at its ideological and hypocritical moral core. Have the courage to seek the radix, the root of European eugenics and how that relates to the colonialist social sphere. White people created this problem and until White people who control the system empirically act like they give a damn, this news-blog will deem all White people collectively responsible for ending White supremacy in the United States and all racial biases all over the world. Stop laying responsibility for ending racism and racial/ethnic bigotry at the feet of the victims.

John Mayer may be one particular White fool, but he is only one of many who still sing their own versions of “Horst Wessel Lied” long after Hitler had his body burned to a cinder in 1945. If you are really an enemy of White supremacy White Americans, stop talking about it. Prove it.

In short, live your lyrics.

The Angryindian

Editor-in-Chief, Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo / Intelligent Aboriginal News Service

Revised: 2.12.10