POLEMIKA no.1 : Aboriginal News Group Journal & Other Media
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Simon Moya-Smith
Homeless Jimmy, Burger King and Lakota Corner
Marty Mars
Can Maori represent non-Maori
Layla Anwar
Discourses in the Aftermath…
Vagabond Beaumont
Arm In Arm With Arms: The Puerto Rican Uprising Of 1950
Artwork: Blanca Canales Rifle by vagabond ©
Min Reyes
Open Letter to Mayor Gregor Robertson
Rodrigo Sanchez-Chavarria
Indigenous People Day Poem
Of Caucasians, Christians and Desperate White Men
Gerald & Mass Surpressed News
Libya: (background) The murder of Muammar Gaddafi
Pascal Uccelli
In Conversation with TheAngryindian
The Liberator
Is there a cure for Obamamania?
Ridwan Laher
Let‘s Play Cowboys and Iranians!
Zashnain Zainal
Our Goal towards Extinction [Indigenous People]
The Journal of the Aboriginal News Group (ANG)
Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Summary: Fourth World Radyo : Alternative Politics and the #OWS (FWR-01.12.2011)
Examining the Left-Wing tendency for intellectual, cultural and spiritual de-evolution. Discussion and analysis of the international progression of the non-violent #Occupy movement and the rise of police brutality against the working public.
Summary: The Fourth World — 11.22.2011 — The international blog-journalists association, the Aboriginal News Group (ANG), a stateless, independent media guild organised by persons representing a broad variety of independent viewpoints and comprised principally of concerned individuals from Autochthonous/First Nations communities, wishes to make public its support for the international #Occupy movement and to declare our solidarity with all those who are taking an active part in pro-democratic street demonstrations and in the international digital efforts that support the public communications challenges of this important struggle.
Do American Negroes Dream of Alabaster Sheep?
An Indigenist Deconstruction of African Assimilationist Pathologies & Other Anti-Colonialist Writings
Racism, like capitalism, distorts everything it touches. Had Ms. Stowe written the book accurately, reflecting an abolitionist-minded, ‘thinking’ African as a central figure, not only would Whites not have read the book, she may have placed herself in even more danger than she did following its release. Ms. Stowe was called a ‘Nigger-Lover’ in the North and a ‘Friend of the Devil’ in the South by both democrats and republicans, Christians all, proving that racism in American political terms simply means ‘keep the Niggers at bay at all costs’! Let not the Black man be humanised, as it is bad for business and it causes sensitive White folks to cry incessantly over their morning coffee.
(eBook Edition) Download: (PDF Format) Available as a Free PDF eBook. [creativecommons-by-nc-2.5]
Why Conservative Racialists in the US, UK and Israel Are Ultimately Responsible for the Tragedy in Norway
We can make believe that we are witnessing a sudden sea change in social
and political attitudes, but this just isn‘t credible. The writing, in
large part due to the maddening and
sickening violence of Anders Breivik, is on the proverbial wall and it
is written in scarlet. You and I both know what is really going down in
the world, to whom it is happening
to and ultimately, who it is that benefits from the institution and
maintenance of human-on-human brutality. And we are all cowards for
knowing this and for allowing it to continue
in a democracy. And Whites who work overtime to deny what has been going
on in their name for centuries are the greatest cowards of all. No
matter how the conservative lobbies in
the US, UK and Israeli may try to spin things, Anders Breivik in all his
anti-Muslim, bathed in the blood of Jesus glory belongs to them lock,
stock and bloody barrel.
Available as a Free PDF eBook. [creativecommons-by-nc-2.5]