Ex-US Official: Key Role Of Germany In Likely War Against Iran

Berlin: Dennis Ross, chief of the think tanks „Washington Institute for Near East Policy“ and „Institute for Jewish People Policy Planning“ (1) sees Germany as the „key“ in a likely Iran War.„The vast majority of political and military elites in Israel wants the rest of the world to stop Iran by diplomatic or other means,“
Ross told the conservative „Berliner Morgenpost“ today (2).

Sanctions would have to be enforced against Iran to prevent a war, Ross mentioned.
„The Europeans are the key to this, especially Germany and Italy,“ who still helped Iran financially, Ross told the media.
„The Saudis could use their economic influence to sway decisions of European banks and governments“ to bring Iran to the table.
„Secondly, the Israelis must go to the Europeans and tell them: `If you think you are in to avoiding a war, then you are wrong. You are increasing the risk of a war, because we will not be able to live with an atomic armed Iran,“ the former director for policy planning in the State Department under President George H.W. Bush announced.

Dennis Ross started his political career in 1981, when he served under Paul Wolfowitz, who was the Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. State Departmentin at that time.
The staff included Lewis Libby, Francis Fukuyama, Ross, Alan Keyes, Zalmay Khalilzad, Stephen Sestanovich and James Roche and were responsible for defining the Reagan administration‘s long-term foreign policy goals.(1)

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