LegacyofColonialism : Message: Brazil: Urgent petition to support indigenous land rights in Roraima
Dear friends,
Brazilian campaigners have asked for urgent support of a petition in
support of indigenous peoples in Raposa Serra to Sol, in the Brazilian
state of Roraima. Over 18,000 indigenous people are at risk of losing
their land rights, which had been formally recognised by the Brazilian
government in 2005. Now, the state government, representing the interests
of large farmers, has raised a case in the courts. A judgment by the
Brazilian Supreme Court is expected shortly. There is a serious risk that
an adverse decision by the Supreme Court could set a precedent for
fragmenting and questioning other indigenous lands which have already been
demarcated and ratified, and thus for overturning hard-won indigenous
peoples land rights.
Please sign the petition today:
Many thanks.
Best regards,
Reinhard Behrend
Rettet den Regenwald e. V.
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg