Why are the state leaders of China and Russia complying with U.S. sanctions against Iran, Venezuela, Syria, and Cuba?
Because they want to.
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Because they want to.
Categorized as: english news
The U.S. government of Donald Trump just carried out airstrikes in three countries. And literally everybody is sitting on his / her ass and shuts his / her mouth hole.
Thereby some remarks:
Categorized as: english news
People of Palestine, declare the independence of Palestine. You can do it. And there are no ifs or buts: you achieve – and keep – moral authority, you stay the course, the peoples of the world will support the people of Palestine.
Categorized as: english news
So Viktoria Kroesbacher is the second dancer we interviewed about how difficult it is to move to and work in Los Angeles.
Categorized as: english news • Interviews • Kunst, Kultur