"Left-Libertarian": Wake up Call From Germany

Joschka Fischer runs into trouble: members of the Green Party have started a new cultural attack on worldwide war establishment

While at present the former German foreign minister (still member of the Green Party) is desperately trying to beckon a new war in the Middle East against Iran by most stupid flubdub, Robert Zion, the man who helped overruling Fischers pro-war position and ended his era in the German Green Party on September 15 2007 in Göttingen, has started a wake up call for the lost western war generation of our nameless, empty times. „"Left-Libertarian": Wake up Call From Germany“ weiterlesen

American Dream

It´s been a long way for Hillary Clinton and still, there are miles to go before she sleeps..

In all that struggle going on these days many people try to kick one special candidate out of the race who has come a long road.

In all that years there has been hate, jealousy and machinations on Hillary Clintons way. She wasn´t a reason for this, just a mirror. In a way this woman is the person in US politics you can suspect of anything without getting into trouble. There will be always a clap on the shoulder by someone. By anybody.

„American Dream“ weiterlesen

This Is Eco-Warfare

Official documents suggest the conclusion that the earthquakes in China and cyclone Nargis in Myanmar have been more than just a strange coincidence

It´s the 10th of December in 1976..
The United Nations General Assembly adoptes the Convention on the prohibition of military or any hostile use of environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) by Resolution 31/72.

Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warefare, .. „This Is Eco-Warfare“ weiterlesen

beFour, Das neue Album "We Stand United"

beFour, die Gold und Platin verwöhnte Band erreicht immer mehr Fans. Scheinbar soll die Band nicht nur unsere Kleinen sondern auch uns Erwachsene erreichen. Die sympathischen Vier, Angel, Alina, Dan und Manou geben jedenfalls diesbezüglich Alles. Das neue Album „We Stand United“ erzeugt mit seinen melodischen Ohrwürmern, besonders nach mehrmaligem Hören, „schleichend“ Gute Laune. Und wenn man sie tanzen sieht erst recht. Man könnte dieser Musik auch antidepressive Wirkung nachsagen. So kann es vorkommen, dass man sich beim Nachsummen ertappt. Hier ein Medley aus „We Stand United“. Lasst Euch anstecken… „beFour, Das neue Album "We Stand United"“ weiterlesen

Shelly Brant: Comment Regarding Events in Tyendinaga

Inteligentaindigena Indigenismo Novajoservo: Shelly Brant: Comment Regarding Events in Tyendinaga

I would like to address the myths that Police Commissioner Julian Fantino has perpetuated in the media since the arrest of Mr. Shawn Brant on Friday April 25, 2008 and the events that have transpired since regarding police action at the Mohawk protest in Deseronto:An Open Letter to Police Commissioner Julian Fantino: „Shelly Brant: Comment Regarding Events in Tyendinaga“ weiterlesen

Someone please stop Bill Clinton from making stupid remarks

Pennsylvania: The first First Husband-to-be seems to hate his job already. It´s like he wants Hillary Clinton to lose votes at all costs.
Read this and quiver:

„Pennsylvania, if you say yes to Hillary Tuesday, you hide and watch: you‘re electing the next president“

A missing voice from the off might like to cry: „Is this a threat or what?“. „Someone please stop Bill Clinton from making stupid remarks“ weiterlesen

Remembering The Downing Street Memorandum

Because someone has to…

The Angryindian

While this submission to the March 19th Blogswarm seems extremely tardy, I assume the reader that it isn’t. I expected most people and the mainstream media to focus on American military expenditures and the U.S. body count inching its way up to 4000 with a few enterprising souls reminding us that Iraqi’s and Afghans are dying too and in that order. What I am concerned with did not get much mention at all, even when it originally transpired there was scant reportage and what notice that did exist failed to acknowledge the gravity of the matter. This of course is exactly what the Bush administration needed and wanted. And the American press allowed them to get away with it. „Remembering The Downing Street Memorandum“ weiterlesen

Report of "People´s War" By China A Hoax

All around the planet there is this report about a „people´s war“ which the Chinese regime supposedly has declared on Tibet, which is, like it or not, part of China since 1951.
So China is said to be in war at itself.
Well – that report, which „Forbes“ says is based on a statement by the „Tibetan Daily“ (which obviously is the „Tibet Daily“), is a hoax. „Report of "People´s War" By China A Hoax“ weiterlesen

The Emergence of the Contemporary “New Negro”

Barack Obama and the Immaculate-Genocide of the African-American Male

The Angryindian

„Whites should not tyrannize over [blacks], for their disease should entitle them to a double portion of humanity. However, by the same token, whites should not intermarry with them, for this would tend to infect posterity with the ‚disorder‘… attempts must be made to cure the disease.“

Dr. Benjamin Rush, signatory of the Declaration of Independence and abolitionist

Before I get deep into yet another article on the much ballyhooed “promise” of the ‘Barack Obama for President Movement’ sweeping colonial America, I am keenly aware of a pressing need to be candid with the reader, if only to assuage a mild sense of personal guilt. „The Emergence of the Contemporary “New Negro”“ weiterlesen