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Brazil and Argentina Have recognized The state of Palestine Within the 1967 borders.
Categorized as: Aktuelles • english news
Brazil and Argentina Have recognized The state of Palestine Within the 1967 borders.
Categorized as: Aktuelles • english news
FIRST, AN apology: I am not going to write about the Wikileaks. I like gossip as much as the next (wo)man. The leaks provide a lot of it, interspersed with some real information. But there is nothing really new there. The information only confirms what any intelligent person could have worked out already. If there is anything new, it’s exactly this confirmation: the world is really managed the way we thought it was. How depressing.
Categorized as: english news
Netanyahu is smiling. No more pressure To freeze the settlements. The Americans Are busy With Wikileaks.
Categorized as: english news • Feuilleton
Categorized as: english news