Damage Control

A DUTCH journalist asked me last Wednesday to try and divine the thoughts of Binyamin Netanyahu on his way to Washington. It seems that she was satisfied with the results, because she asked me to divine the thoughts of Mahmoud Abbas, too.

Categorized as: english newsKommentarPolitik, Diplomatie

Red and Green

Channel 10, one of Israel’s three TV channels, aired a report this week that surely frightened a lot of viewers. Its title was “Who is Organizing the World-wide Hatred of Israel Movement?”, and its subject: the dozens of groups in various countries which are conducting a vigorous propaganda campaign for the Palestinians and against Israel.

Categorized as: english newsKommentar


In Czechoslovakia, The actors, Led by a playwright, Started the revolution

Categorized as: english news

When You Say No – or: Poisonous Mushrooms

BEFORE THE victory of feminism, there was a popular Israeli song in which the boy asks the girl: “When you say No, what do you mean?” This question has already been answered. Now I am more and more tempted to ask: “When you say Zionism, what do you mean?” That is also my answer when asked whether I am a Zionist. When you say Zionist, what do you mean?

Categorized as: english news