Abbas, Fatah, P.L.O. and Israeli Joint List: What you can do

President Mahmoud Abbas,

Declare the independence of Palestine and accept the borders of the two states Palestine and Israel along the armistice line of 1949 with effect from a point of time not later than 2017. It is about time.
Sue the state of Israel to the ground, before any court of the world. And do not waste one more minute.
Either you are the president of Palestine or you are not. If not, step down. If you are, act like one.

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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sambo: One African’s Thoughts on the Subject of Black Self-Colonialism

‘My father was a mulatto, my grandfather was a Negro, and my great-grandfather a monkey. You see, Sir, my family starts where yours ends’. — Alexandre Dumas (pere)  — [Available as a Free eBook: PDF format:] I find it tiresome and perhaps an obvious point to make in 2012 but it still remains to be said — and as often as it is deemed necessary to do so by its victims — that the United States of America and Canada, as national entities, are by royal fiat, racist nation-states no less xenophobic and no less vicious than any other country…

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