Sailing To Gaza: We Salute You

As I write these words, two boats with some 46 peace activists from many nationalities onboard are sailing from Cyprus to the Gaza Strip in a symbolic effort to break Israel’s cruel blockade of the coastal Palestinian territory. The Free Gaza Movement, the organizer of the bold mission, includes people from various religious and cultural backgrounds who are united in their dedication to the cause of freedom for the estimated 1.5 million Gazans, thoroughly tormented by a nearly hermetic blockade that has effectively reduced the originally impoverished enclave to a virtual concentration camp.

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Neue Filmdoku: "The 911 Chronicles – Truth Rising"

Die neue Dokumentation von Alex Jones zeigt, mit deutschen Untertiteln von, wie sich sieben Jahre nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September der Widerstand mehrt. Gezeigt werden wenig beachtete Hintergründe, Berichte von Ersthelfern, Feuerwehrleuten und Angehörigen die eine andere als die offizielle Geschichte zu erzählen haben. Hier wird einigen "Persönlichkeiten" mal richtig auf den Zahn gefühlt. Einschlägig bekannten Personen des öffentlichen Rechts werden vor laufender Kamera extrem unangenehme Fragen gestellt. z.B. Rudolph Giuliani, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Zbigniew Brzezinski und einigen mehr! Und vor allem handelt die Dokumentation von aktivem Widerstand, den jeder leisten kann. (TATEN und nicht…

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Dark Press About Death Of Main Suspect in 2001 Anthrax Terror Case

Who knew since when from whom that Bruce E. Ivins actually committed suicide…? There was 9/11. Noone expected it, and those who expected it couldn´t help it. Then there were these 2001 Antrax attacks a week after September the 11th, well prepared and organized. All of an accident – sure. What if not. Then, after almost 7 years without any substantial progress in this case, a senior biodefense researcher, who worked at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick for 18 years, dies on July 29.

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