Is NATO Lying To Provoke A Pakistan War?

There is absolutely no proof of claims by US-led NATO (ISAF) military in Afghanistan News agency „AFP“ cites a „deputy provincial police chief“ named „Mohammad Yaqoub Mandozai“ who said: „Several rockets were fired on two NATO bases. One rocket landed on a civilian home which killed a woman and a child..The rockets were fired from the Pakistan side of the border.“

Categorized as: Aktuellesenglish news

A Blunt Speech For Peace

In 2003 four former Shin Bet Chiefs warned of unholy government politics and pressed for a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine The General Security Service (GSS) alias Shabak alias Shin Bet is the operational nerve center of Israeli secret services. Those who head this organisation get informations not only by agents in or outside of Israel, they are in contact with every major political group in the country, watch every relevant non-government group closely and receive a lot of information unfiltered by the media every day. Likely those heads of service can be called „informed“ about what´s happening in…

Categorized as: Aktuellesenglish news

Support the Mohawk Nation: Kahentinetha Horn attacked at border

Monday, June 16, 2008 Kahentinetha Horn attacked at border Kahentinetha Horn, beaten and hospitalized at the border, Katenies in prison By Brenda Norrell Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, was beaten by special forces at the US/Canadian border and suffered a heart attack. Kahentinetha is currently hospitalized in Canada. Katenies, who was accompanying her, was taken to prison at an undisclosed location. Please read the following message, which has been confirmed as true, and contact the leaders of Canada and demand both women be released and justice served to the perpetrators.

Categorized as: Aktuellesenglish news