Ireland, Save Us All From The EU Empire

A „No“ to the EU Treaty would be a gift from the Irish Republic to all People of Europe A small freedom loving country now holds the fate of free folks in Europe in its hands. Once there was a dream of Europe. Now the shadow of a ruthless, most dissembling empire called „European Union“ is falling on republics, constitutions, parliamentary democracies and systems of checks and balances on the continent.

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Are you trying to fool us, NASA?

This time Mars Odyssey allegedly went in „safe mode“. Again, no information from Phoenix on Mars.. Tucson, Arizon: For the second time in a row the stand-down of a NASA orbiter is causing a lack of information about what´s going on with the Phoenix mission on Mars. Again, there is another delay in work with the robot arm of which Horst Uwe Keller from the German Max-Planck-Institute is in charge.

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"Left-Libertarian": Wake up Call From Germany

Joschka Fischer runs into trouble: members of the Green Party have started a new cultural attack on worldwide war establishment While at present the former German foreign minister (still member of the Green Party) is desperately trying to beckon a new war in the Middle East against Iran by most stupid flubdub, Robert Zion, the man who helped overruling Fischers pro-war position and ended his era in the German Green Party on September 15 2007 in Göttingen, has started a wake up call for the lost western war generation of our nameless, empty times.

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American Dream

It´s been a long way for Hillary Clinton and still, there are miles to go before she sleeps.. In all that struggle going on these days many people try to kick one special candidate out of the race who has come a long road. In all that years there has been hate, jealousy and machinations on Hillary Clintons way. She wasn´t a reason for this, just a mirror. In a way this woman is the person in US politics you can suspect of anything without getting into trouble. There will be always a clap on the shoulder by someone. By…

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