Obama: A Changeling You Can Believe in?

USA, Wisconsin: Just imagine you were in the Golden Globe jury and you should judge an actor during a writers strike. Not talking about a movie produced in a time of one. What´s the core of politics? What´s the sense of it? Entertainment? Something that makes you feel better? At least for a moment, a speech? 4 more minutes? If Barack Obama speechwriters now fire back about charges of plagiarism prompted by the Hillary Clinton campaign, saying that the words Obama used in a weekend speech which resembled remarks made by Deval Patrick during his successful Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign in…

Categorized as: Aktuellesenglish news

Panic, Hope, and Tremble – The Stock Market Is A Roller Coaster

These are words the medias in Germany use to describe the state of the stock markets all around the world. You have to let this melt on you tongue. Because this are not words or meanings to describe a solid economy with or even dare to build one based upon. But these are ruled by gamblers and illusion driven creatures telling politics and economies how to rule the world.

US-Iran-"Harassment": The Hulk That Roared

Strait of Hormuz: Five Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats „harassed and provoked“ three U.S. Navy ships early Sunday in international waters, the U.S. military said Monday, calling the encounter a „significant“ confrontation. Well – actually that´s what CNN reported (1). But there were other reports at the beginning: „Citing unnamed military officials in Washington, CNN, NBC and other news outlets reported today that one of five Iranian ships came within 200 yards of a group of three U.S. naval vessels Saturday night in international waters within the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow passage through which much of the gulf’s oil reaches…

Categorized as: Aktuellesenglish news