ON SATURDAY evening, two weeks ago, we returned by taxi from the annual memorial rally for Yitzhak Rabin, and as usual got into a conversation with our driver. „Vox Taxi – Vox Dei“ weiterlesen
The Nobleman and the Horse
“HALF AND HALF,” the late Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol, is said to have answered, when asked whether he wanted tea or coffee.
This joke was intended to parody his hesitation on the eve of the Six-day War. (Though secret documents published this week show Eshkol in a very different light.) „The Nobleman and the Horse“ weiterlesen
Gush Shalom: Weekly Ad
“Caterpillar” has suspended
The supply of D-9 bulldozers
To the IDF. „Gush Shalom: Weekly Ad“ weiterlesen
Bread and the Circus
I WAS surprised when, towards the end of 1975, I received an invitation from the Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, to meet him at his residence. He opened the door himself, poured me a glass of whisky, poured one for himself, and without any further ado asked me:
“Tell me, Uri, have you decided to destroy all the doves in the Labor Party?” „Bread and the Circus“ weiterlesen
Gush Shalom: Weekly Ad
Fifty years
After the death of
Martin Luther King, „Gush Shalom: Weekly Ad“ weiterlesen
A Look inside Pandora´s Box
The US-economist James K. Galbraith gave a remarkable speech to the biennial convention of the CEP Union of Canada in Toronto on September 20, 2010. In that speech he looked inside Pandora´s Box – and what he found as the root-cause for the crisis we face was: FRAUD. In the following interview related to this speech he explains the need “to take control over institutions and restructure them.“
James K. Galbraith, one of the most respected economists in the United States, holds the Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. Chair of Government/Business Relations at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, the University of Texas at Austin. He is a Senior Scholar with the Levy Economics Institute (www.levy.org), and Chair of the Board of Economists for Peace and Security (www.epsusa.org), an international association of professional economists. „A Look inside Pandora´s Box“ weiterlesen
Gush on Rabin‘s legacy
“Is a government
That relies
On the support of „Gush on Rabin‘s legacy“ weiterlesen
His Father’s Boy
WHICH IS the real Netanyahu?
– Bibi the weakling, the invertebrate, who always gives in to pressure, who zigzags to the left and to the right, depending whether the pressure comes from the US or from his coalition partners? „His Father’s Boy“ weiterlesen
Gush on Yom Kippur revelations
Golda believed
That time
Works for us. „Gush on Yom Kippur revelations“ weiterlesen
Now it Becomes clear
Now it
Becomes clear: „Now it Becomes clear“ weiterlesen