ANG Statement of Support For Maori-Led Takutaimoana Hikoi To Parliament In Opposition To the Marine and Coastal Area Bill

ANG Statement of Support For Maori-Led Takutaimoana Hikoi To Parliament In Opposition To the Marine and Coastal Area Bill

At this time, the Aboriginal News Group (ANG) wishes to offer its support to the Maori people of Aotearoa with a statement of Indigenous solidarity and unity with those involved with the 2011 Hikoi (march) on the New Zealand government. We support their right to demand an end to discriminatory legislation and the ongoing colonial subversion of the Maori people and their ancestral territories.

Announcing the Formation of the Aboriginal News Group

The Fourth World -The Intelligent Aboriginal News Service has partnered with progressive bloggers to form the Aboriginal News Group, an International association representing Indigenist blog-journalists covering Indigenous/First Nations news.  

Categorized as: english news

Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine

Press Release: IANS Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine Intelligent Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine 1.6.2009 “Total war is no longer war waged by all members of one national community against all those of another. It is total… because it may well involve the whole world.” Jean-Paul Sartre As Indigenous people fully conscious of our own respective colonial circumstances and those of other similarly repressed and oppressed peoples, we, the undersigned, maintain that the latest saturation bombing and subsequent ground invasion of a Palestinian refugee concentration camp is not just and…

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