The Settler State

THE OTHER day, the almighty General Security Service (Shabak, formerly Shin Bet) needed a new boss. It is a hugely important job, because no minister ever dares to contradict the advice of the Shabak chief in cabinet meetings. There was an obvious candidate, known only as J. But at the last moment, the settlers’ lobby was mobilized. As director of the “Jewish department” J. had put some Jewish terrorists in prison. So his candidature was rejected and Yoram Cohen, a kippah-wearing darling of the settlers was appointed instead.

Categorized as: english news

Hi , Joe!

GUTEN MORGEN, Joe. In den USA ist Dein Name Dreck. Aber hier kannst Du Dich jetzt wirklich wie zu Hause fühlen. Zu Deiner Zeit gelang es Dir, die ganze USA mit Hysterie anzustecken. Unter jedem Bett fand man einen Sowjetagenten. Du wedeltest im amerikanischen Außenministerium mit einer Liste voller Sowjetspione (einer Liste, die nie jemandem gezeigt wurde). In hundert Sprachen rund um die Welt – einschließlich Hebräisch – wurde der Name McCarthy, McCarthyismus zu einem Begriff. Ja, du hattest ganz ordentlich Erfolg. Aber du warst schließlich nur ein Plagiator. Vor dir terrorisierte das Anti-amerikanische Aktivitäten-Komitee des Unterhauses das Land, zerstörte…

Categorized as: Allgemein

Ship of Fools 2

THE EXPRESSION “Ship of Fools” was used by a Swiss theologian 515 years ago as the title of a book harshly criticizing the Catholic church of his day. Its licentiousness, he foresaw, would lead to disaster. And indeed, shortly afterwards a monk named Martin Luther split the church and set in motion the great Reformation.

Categorized as: english news

A General Overhaul

THE JUDGE: “You are accused of murdering your wife and two children. How do you plead: Guilty or not guilty?” The accused: “Your honor, I do not deal with the past. I think about the future!”

Categorized as: english news