Die Judaisierung‭ ‬Israels

Der Gründungsvater des Zionismus,‭ ‬Theodor‭ ‬Herzl,‭ ‬jetzt offiziell‭ ‬ hier zum‭ „‬Visionär des Staates‭“ ‬ernannt,‭ ‬stellte sich das vollständige Verschwinden der Diaspora vor.‭ ‬In seinem Tagebuch sah er voraus,‭ ‬dass nach der Gründung des‭ „‬Judenstaates‭“‬ alle Juden,‭ ‬die es wünschten,‭ ‬in den Staat‭ ‬siedeln werden.‭ ‬Sie‭ (‬und nur sie‭) ‬würden in Zukunft‭ ‬Juden‭ ‬genannt werden.‭ ‬Alle andern würden sich schließlich in ihrer Gastnation assimilieren und aufhören,‭ ‬Juden zu sein.‭

Categorized as: Politik, Diplomatie

The Settler State

THE OTHER day, the almighty General Security Service (Shabak, formerly Shin Bet) needed a new boss. It is a hugely important job, because no minister ever dares to contradict the advice of the Shabak chief in cabinet meetings. There was an obvious candidate, known only as J. But at the last moment, the settlers’ lobby was mobilized. As director of the “Jewish department” J. had put some Jewish terrorists in prison. So his candidature was rejected and Yoram Cohen, a kippah-wearing darling of the settlers was appointed instead.

Categorized as: english news

The Aljazeera Scandal

I ALWAYS thought this a specifically Israeli trait: whenever a scandal of national proportions breaks out, we ignore the crucial issues and focus our attention on some secondary detail. This spares us having to face the real problems and making painful decisions.

Categorized as: english news