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Netanyahu against Obama. Lieberman against the Turks. Yishai against the refugees. Barak against his voters.
Categorized as: english news
Netanyahu against Obama. Lieberman against the Turks. Yishai against the refugees. Barak against his voters.
Categorized as: english news
THE EXPRESSION “Ship of Fools” was used by a Swiss theologian 515 years ago as the title of a book harshly criticizing the Catholic church of his day. Its licentiousness, he foresaw, would lead to disaster. And indeed, shortly afterwards a monk named Martin Luther split the church and set in motion the great Reformation.
Categorized as: english news
DER RICHTER: „Sie sind angeklagt, weil sie ihre Frau und zwei Kinder gemordet haben. Wie plädieren Sie? Schuldig oder nicht schuldig?“ Der Angeklagte: „Euer Ehren, ich befasse mich nicht mit der Vergangenheit. Ich denke über die Zukunft nach!“
Categorized as: Aktuelles • Kommentar • Politik, Diplomatie
THE JUDGE: “You are accused of murdering your wife and two children. How do you plead: Guilty or not guilty?” The accused: “Your honor, I do not deal with the past. I think about the future!”
Categorized as: english news