Daphne and Itzik

THE STORY starts with Daphne Leef, an editor of short films, daughter of a composer, unable to rent an apartment in Tel Aviv. She is fed up. She announces on Facebook that she is going to live in a tent on Rothschild Boulevard and asks if anyone will join her.

Some do. Then more. Then even more. In no time, there are more than a hundred tents on the avenue, one of the oldest in town, a quiet residential neighborhood. Other tent cities spring up all around the country. A mass movement has come into being. Last Saturday, 350 thousand people demonstrated in Tel Aviv, 450 thousand throughout the country. That would be something like 18 million in the US, or three million in Germany.

Categorized as: english news

The Return of the Generals

AT THE beginning of the week, Binyamin Netanyahu was desperately looking for a way out of an escalating internal crisis. The social protest movement was gathering momentum and posing a growing danger to his government.

Categorized as: english news

Eingeflößtes Gedächtnis

SEIT MEHREREN Wochen befinden sich unsere Armee und Marine in einem hohen Alarmzustand, um tapfer eine tödliche Bedrohung unserer bloßen Existenz zu verhindern: zehn kleine Boote versuchen, Gaza zu erreichen. In den Booten sitzt eine gefährliche Bande bösartiger Terroristen, in Person älterer Veteranen aus Friedenskampagnen bestehend.
Binyamin Netanyahu hat unsere unerschütterliche Entschlossenheit, unser Land zu verteidigen, bestätigt: Wir werden niemanden die Blockade brechen lassen, um Raketen zu den Terroristen in Gaza zu schmuggeln, die sie dann abfeuern, um unsere unschuldigen Kinder zu töten.

Dies ist sogar für Netanyahu eine Art Rekordleistung: kein einziges Wort ist wahr.

Categorized as: AktuellesKommentarPolitik, Diplomatie