IF GOD wills, even a broomstick can shoot – so I wrote after the appointment of the Turkel commission. I was quoting the Jewish saying in the hope that in spite of everything, something would come out of it.
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IF GOD wills, even a broomstick can shoot – so I wrote after the appointment of the Turkel commission. I was quoting the Jewish saying in the hope that in spite of everything, something would come out of it.
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The mayor of Jerusalem, An extreme rightist, Has announced his decision To demolish 22 Arab homes In Silwan.
Categorized as: english news
ES IST NACHT. Tiefste Finsternis. Schwerer Regen. Die Sicht ist gleich Null. Und plötzlich – ein Blitz. Für einen Bruchteil einer Sekunde wird die Landschaft erleuchtet. In diesem Bruchteil einer Sekunde kann die Landschaft um uns herum gesehen werden. Sie ist nicht mehr so wie gewohnt.
Categorized as: Allgemein
NIGHT. UTTER darkness. Heavy rain. Visibility close to nil. And suddenly – a flash of lightning. For a fraction of a second, the landscape is lit up. For this split second, the terrain surrounding us can be seen. It is not the way it used to be.
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