Pledge of Resistance

We believe that as people living in the United States it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government, in our names Not in our name will you wage endless war there can be no more deaths no more transfusions of blood for oil

Categorized as: Militär, Krieg

THE PLAN II – The Kurdistan Plot and The Mother Of War

In Chapter I we have learned, that the Kurdish intelligence – who had prior knowledge of the terror attack in Ervil (Irbil) on May 09 – told newspapers about an ongoing power struggle in the Kurdish Party PUK of Iraqi Prime Minister Jalal Talabani between 2 factions. We know that the group „Islamic State of Iraq“ – which claimed responsibility for the capturing of U.S. soldiers and also for the two explosions in or near Kurdistan on May 09 and May 12 – has a supposed salafis leader called Khalid al-Mashhadani and that HQs of that terror group had apparently leaked to the Iraqi Government of Jalal Talabani.