„Regenwald-Ernte“: Seit 100 Jahren zerstörerisch

30.000 Amazonas-Indigene wurden während des Kautschukbooms in nur 12 Jahren versklavt, gefoltert, vergewaltigt und dem Hungertod überlassen. Heute jährt sich zum hundertsten Mal die Veröffentlichung des Untersuchungsberichts des Iren Roger Casement, der diese Gräueltaten aufdeckte. Gleichzeitig geht die Ausbeutung des Regenwaldes noch heute weiter und riskiert erneut das Überleben indigener Völker.

Categorized as: Ökologie, Gesundheit

The Angryindian Interviews: Kalonji Changa of the FTP Movement

Editor‘s Note: This was another interview I was really looking forward to. The FTP Movement on the Ning network has plenty of activity but one element stands out heads and shoulders above the crowd, the site originator Bro. Kalonji Changa. I have watched this busy young man use the democratic power of the Internet to dispel and dislodge the rumour that African men are not concerned with uplifting their own people and other oppressed populations across the world. I admire his tenacity, his organisational skills and the clarity of his political perspective and it shows in his sincere efforts to…

Categorized as: Allgemein

Announcing the Formation of the Aboriginal News Group

The Fourth World -The Intelligent Aboriginal News Service has partnered with progressive bloggers to form the Aboriginal News Group, an International association representing Indigenist blog-journalists covering Indigenous/First Nations news.  

Categorized as: english news