ANG Statement of Support For Maori-Led Takutaimoana Hikoi To Parliament In Opposition To the Marine and Coastal Area Bill

ANG Statement of Support For Maori-Led Takutaimoana Hikoi To Parliament In Opposition To the Marine and Coastal Area Bill

At this time, the Aboriginal News Group (ANG) wishes to offer its support to the Maori people of Aotearoa with a statement of Indigenous solidarity and unity with those involved with the 2011 Hikoi (march) on the New Zealand government. We support their right to demand an end to discriminatory legislation and the ongoing colonial subversion of the Maori people and their ancestral territories.

The Angryindian Interviews: Kalonji Changa of the FTP Movement

Editor‘s Note: This was another interview I was really looking forward to. The FTP Movement on the Ning network has plenty of activity but one element stands out heads and shoulders above the crowd, the site originator Bro. Kalonji Changa. I have watched this busy young man use the democratic power of the Internet to

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