U.S. acts of war in three countries: Iraq, Syria, Somalia

The U.S. government of Donald Trump just carried out airstrikes in three countries. And literally everybody is sitting on his / her ass and shuts his / her mouth hole.

Thereby some remarks:

– noone is talking about any zombie parliament. Nowhere.
– noone is even asking about international law. Noone. Nowhere.
– noone talks about the most dangerous sentence not just in U.S. history, the „Authorization for Use of Military Force“ of September 14, 2001, and the beginning of a de facto World War. That‘s what you call a worldwide war, even if it‘s on error.

Every true Human Left on the planet should give every mainstream so-called leftist a kick someplace, somewhere. If that means kicking yourself: do it. And do it now!

Hint: watch out for „Bibis“ campaign for immunity. There are three relevant elections on the planet left: in the United States, in Britain and in Israel. They are to watch and influence.

„Falsche echte“ Presse um Pässe aus Irak und Syrien

Berlin: Geheimdienste, populäre Presse und Behörden starten über die Springer-Zeitung „Die Welt“ die zweite Welle einer Angstkampagne um „falsche echte“ Flüchtlinge und Passdokumente aus Syrien und Iraq. Die erste Welle hatte „die Welt“ bereits am 12. Dezember begonnen, mit praktisch gleichem Inhalt, was bereits damals unangenehm auffiel. Für ihren heutigen Artikel bietet „Die Welt“ zwar u.a. ihre Autoren Stefan Aust und Manuel Bewarder auf; aber entsprechend der Logik des Terrorkrieges beruht wieder einmal absolut alles auf Behauptungen der Geheimdienste bzw Behörden (in diesem Fall wird Frontex vorgeschoben). „„Falsche echte“ Presse um Pässe aus Irak und Syrien“ weiterlesen

Bread and the Circus

I WAS surprised when, towards the end of 1975, I received an invitation from the Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, to meet him at his residence. He opened the door himself, poured me a glass of whisky, poured one for himself, and without any further ado asked me:
“Tell me, Uri, have you decided to destroy all the doves in the Labor Party?” „Bread and the Circus“ weiterlesen

La scarpa

A Mosé (su di Lui la pace) che sul monte Oreb (oggi Jabal Musa) si avvicinava al cespuglio rovente, l‘Altissimo disse:

„Non avvicinarti! Togliti i sandali dai piedi, perché il luogo sul quale tu stai è una terra santa!“ (Esodo 3; 5). La tradizione musulmana di entrare a piedi scalzi nella moschea e di pregare a piedi scalzi su un tappetino pulito deriva da questo episodio.

„La scarpa“ weiterlesen

THE PLAN II – The Kurdistan Plot and The Mother Of War

In Chapter I we have learned, that the Kurdish intelligence – who had prior knowledge of the terror attack in Ervil (Irbil) on May 09 – told newspapers about an ongoing power struggle in the Kurdish Party PUK of Iraqi Prime Minister Jalal Talabani between 2 factions. We know that the group „Islamic State of Iraq“ – which claimed responsibility for the capturing of U.S. soldiers and also for the two explosions in or near Kurdistan on May 09 and May 12 – has a supposed salafis leader called Khalid al-Mashhadani and that HQs of that terror group had apparently leaked to the Iraqi Government of Jalal Talabani. „THE PLAN II – The Kurdistan Plot and The Mother Of War“ weiterlesen

THE PLAN III – Petraeus and the three-dimensional chess in the dark

THE PLAN I – Terror Attacks and captured US soldiers
THE PLAN II – The Kurdistan Plot and The Mother Of War


On May 05 Gen. Rick Lynch, who oversees about 26,000 American forces in an area bounded by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers south of Baghdad and including Mahmudiya and Yusufiya, describes the struggle in Iraq as „three-dimensional chess in the dark“. (29)

What does he mean by that? „THE PLAN III – Petraeus and the three-dimensional chess in the dark“ weiterlesen