„Viel Feind, viel Ehr“

EIN ALTES Foto aus dem 1. Weltkrieg zeigt eine Kompanie deutscher Soldaten, die in einen Zug einsteigen, der sie zur Front bringt. An die Wagenwand hatte jemand gekritzelt: „Viel Feind, viel Ehr“. In jenen Tagen, ganz am Anfang des Krieges, erklärte ein Land nach dem anderen Deutschland den Krieg. Der Geist des Graffito reflektiert die Hybris des obersten Befehlshabers, Kaiser Wilhelm, der sich auf den Kriegsplan des legendären deutschen Generalstabs verließ. Es war tatsächlich ein ausgezeichneter Kriegsplan, und wie bei vielen ausgezeichneten Kriegsplänen, ging von Anfang an alles schief.

The Jewish Ayatollahs

THE ARCHBISHOP of New York announces that any Catholic who rents out an apartment to a Jew commits a mortal sin and runs the risk of excommunication.

A protestant priest in Berlin decrees that a Christian who employs a Jew will be banished from his parish.

Impossible? Indeed. Except in Israel – in reverse, of course.

Categorized as: english news

The Settler State

THE OTHER day, the almighty General Security Service (Shabak, formerly Shin Bet) needed a new boss. It is a hugely important job, because no minister ever dares to contradict the advice of the Shabak chief in cabinet meetings. There was an obvious candidate, known only as J. But at the last moment, the settlers’ lobby was mobilized. As director of the “Jewish department” J. had put some Jewish terrorists in prison. So his candidature was rejected and Yoram Cohen, a kippah-wearing darling of the settlers was appointed instead.

Categorized as: english news

The Dwarfs

JERUSALEM IS abuzz with brilliant new ideas. The brightest minds of our political establishment are grappling with the problems created by the ongoing Arab revolution that is reshaping the landscape around us. Here is the latest crop of mind-bogglingly innovative ideas:

Categorized as: Politik, Diplomatie