The Charge of the New York Times or Baksheesh for the Doorkeeper

It is much too early to tell whether this is a short-term protest or the beginning of an Israeli Tahrir Square phenomenon. But it clearly shows that the takeover of Israel by a neo-fascist grouping is not a foregone conclusion. The fight is on. Perhaps – just perhaps! – even the New York Times could be starting to report on the reality of our country.

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Deny! Deny!

I AM fed up with all this nonsense about recognizing Israel as the “Jewish State”.

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When You Say No – or: Poisonous Mushrooms

BEFORE THE victory of feminism, there was a popular Israeli song in which the boy asks the girl: “When you say No, what do you mean?” This question has already been answered. Now I am more and more tempted to ask: “When you say Zionism, what do you mean?” That is also my answer when

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