Abbas, Fatah, P.L.O. and Israeli Joint List: What you can do

President Mahmoud Abbas,

Declare the independence of Palestine and accept the borders of the two states Palestine and Israel along the armistice line of 1949 with effect from a point of time not later than 2017. It is about time.
Sue the state of Israel to the ground, before any court of the world. And do not waste one more minute.
Either you are the president of Palestine or you are not. If not, step down. If you are, act like one.

Categorized as: Aktuellesenglish news

One Word

IN ONE word: Bravo! The news about the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas is good for peace. If the final difficulties are ironed out and a full agreement is signed by the two leaders, it will be a huge step forward for the Palestinians – and for us. There is no sense in making peace with half a people. Making peace with the entire Palestinian people may be more difficult, but will be infinitely more fruitful. Therefore: Bravo!

Categorized as: english news