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Brazil and Argentina Have recognized The state of Palestine Within the 1967 borders.
Categorized as: Aktuelles • english news
Brazil and Argentina Have recognized The state of Palestine Within the 1967 borders.
Categorized as: Aktuelles • english news
“HALF AND HALF,” the late Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol, is said to have answered, when asked whether he wanted tea or coffee. This joke was intended to parody his hesitation on the eve of the Six-day War. (Though secret documents published this week show Eshkol in a very different light.)
Categorized as: english news
Vorweg eine Anmerkung von Radio Utopie: Am 10.September feierte Uri Avnery, Friedensaktivist und Gründer von Gush Shalom, seinen 87.Geburtstag. Die gesamte Mannschaft der Raumstation von Radio Utopie möchte auf diesem Weg ihre besten Wünsche zum Ausdruck bringen, denen sich viele Leser unserer Zeitung anschliessen.
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Channel 10, one of Israel’s three TV channels, aired a report this week that surely frightened a lot of viewers. Its title was “Who is Organizing the World-wide Hatred of Israel Movement?”, and its subject: the dozens of groups in various countries which are conducting a vigorous propaganda campaign for the Palestinians and against Israel.
Categorized as: english news • Kommentar