A Parliamentary Mob

WHEN I was first elected to the Knesset, I was appalled at what I found. I discovered that, with rare exceptions, the intellectual level of the debates was close to zero. They consisted mainly of strings of clichés of the most commonplace variety. During most of the debates, the plenum was almost empty. Most participants

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Human rights activist files constitutional complaint against speculation support mechanism and against supranationalization of IMF conditions

Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing 30.05.2010 (englisch) (file number of the national Parliament 17/1685) At the 29.05.2010, the human rights activist Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing has filed a constitutional complaint against the law, which calls itself „Gesetz zur Übernahme von Gewährleistungen im Rahmen eines europäischen Stabilisierungsmechanismus“ (law on state guarantees within the framework of a European stability mechanism,

Categorized as: english news