7.Mai 2009, eine Viertelstunde nach Mitternacht: über 40000 Mitzeichner unterzeichneten bisher in einer noch nie da gewesenen Rekordbeteiligung die Petition
Internet – Keine Indizierung und Sperrung von Internetseiten vom 22.04.2009
7.Mai 2009, eine Viertelstunde nach Mitternacht: über 40000 Mitzeichner unterzeichneten bisher in einer noch nie da gewesenen Rekordbeteiligung die Petition
Internet – Keine Indizierung und Sperrung von Internetseiten vom 22.04.2009
Protestaufruf von netzpolitik.org gegen Internetsperren
Hier ist die Liste der Internetprovider mit Angaben ihrer Entscheidungen zur Zensur
Mahnwache am Freitag: Keine Scheuklappen fürs Netz!
Gegen Internetsperren in einer freien Gesellschaft.
„Mahnwache gegen Internetsperre am 17. April in Berlin“ weiterlesen
Press Release: IANS Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine
Intelligent Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine
“Total war is no longer war waged by all members of one national community against all those of another. It is total… because it may well involve the whole world.”
Jean-Paul Sartre
As Indigenous people fully conscious of our own respective colonial circumstances and those of other similarly repressed and oppressed peoples, we, the undersigned, maintain that the latest saturation bombing and subsequent ground invasion of a Palestinian refugee concentration camp is not just and that the continued IDF occupation extends this grave injustice. The defenceless people of The Gaza, a refugee district of Occupied Palestine, have been mercilessly attacked by the State of Israel under the auspices of national “self-defence.” This is clearly a false pretence, as it is now known that the Israeli intelligence and military services secretly planned this attack more than six months ago as part of “Operation Cast Lead”,[1] a covert programme of anti-Palestinian propaganda, premeditated sabotage of the Hamas government during the U.S.-sponsored June 2007 truce agreement and extensive ethnic terrorism directed against the refugee Arab Palestinian population of The Gaza. It is also now common knowledge that the Israeli Defence Forces have begun using cluster bombs, denatured uranium and the horrible chemical weapon, white phosphorus, a compound that burns human beings on contact.[2]
„Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine“ weiterlesen