Der Mord an Yasser Arafat

London – Kurz nach dem mysteriösen Tod des PLO-Führers Yasser Arafat 2004 brachte ich in einer Kolumne meine starke Vermutung zum Ausdruck, dass er mittels Gift ermordet worden ist. Ich erinnerte an Stalins Lieblingssager „kein Mann, kein Problem.“

Gift war der Favorit unter den Mitteln, die die sowjetische Geheimpolizei seit den 1920ern einsetzte. Wenige Schritten entfernt vom KGB-Hauptquartier in der Lubjanka befand sich das Geheimlabor „Kamera,“ wo Wissenschaftler neue komplizierte Gifte zusammenbrauten, die sehr tödlich, aber nicht nachweisbar oder zumindest äusserst schwierig zu identifizieren sein sollten.

Categorized as: Spionage, Attentate

Sad and Happy

“WILL THIS be the happiest day of your life?” a local interviewer asked me, referring to the approaching recognition of the State of Palestine by the UN.

I was taken by surprise. “Why would that be?” I asked.

“Well, for 62 years you have advocated the establishment of a Palestinian state next to Israel, and here it comes!”

“If I were a Palestinian, I would probably be happy,” I said, “But as an Israeli, I am rather sad.”

LET ME explain.

Categorized as: english news

One Word

IN ONE word: Bravo! The news about the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas is good for peace. If the final difficulties are ironed out and a full agreement is signed by the two leaders, it will be a huge step forward for the Palestinians – and for us. There is no sense in making

Categorized as: english news